For fleet managers

Car fleets, and mobility in general, represent the second largest cost item after salaries, and have a significant impact on your company's carbon footprint.

In these times of ecological and financial pressures, you need a versatile management tool to meet your multiple challenges and objectives:

  • TCO* optimization
  • Reducing carbon footprint
  • Road risk prevention
  • Optimizing management processes
    (maintenance, fines, claims...)
  • Introducing new mobility
    and alternative mobility

* Total Cost of Ownership

Our range of connected services
helps you reach your goals fast!

fleet management solution

Accessible 24/7 from any terminal, the Optimum Automotive management solution brings together all the services you need

  • Fleet management
  • Fines management
  • Interview management
  • Usage and taxation
  • Analysis and control of fuel consumption
  • Damage and claims management
  • and much more


Optimized, simplified renewal management

Renewal management From car policy management and multi-level catalogs, to renewal validation sequences, vehicle selection by the driver, and even vehicle return management.

Order flow management (vehicles, fuel cards, tele-badges...): quotations from suppliers, validation, ordering, reception... All stages are monitored live.

The Workflow service enables you to optimize, simplify and automate all the stages before vehicles are actually put on the road.

optimized, simplified vehicle renewal management


360° cost control and optimization

Thanks to the DATA HUB (data center for vehicles, drivers, suppliers and administrations), all your cost items are centralized and summarized on the web application. This global view enables you to analyze and optimize your TCO* on an ongoing basis. The platform also enables you to monitor the technical (maintenance, technical inspections, incidents, interventions) and administrative (claims management, infringements, VAT, etc.) aspects of your fleet.

Connected fleet management feeds you with sensitive data, giving you a detailed and evolving view of your TCO*.

* Total Cost Of Ownership



Empowering drivers and preserving the responsibility of the company manager

Rigorous offence management is ensured by the platform, which is directly connected to ANTAI (Agence Nationale de Traitement Automatisé des Infractions). Every day, the latter sends requests for the designation of offences to the platform, giving the manager 45 days to respond (by designating the offence or providing another predefined response). If this deadline is exceeded, the "paper" ticket will be sent to the company. Benefit from simple, real-time management of infractions committed by your employees.



Vehicles in perfect working order

The fleet management platform is connected to the manufacturers' maintenance plans. Automated alerts give you perfect visibility of the maintenance deadlines recommended by each manufacturer (deadlines, content of operations to be carried out) to keep your vehicles in perfect working order.



Business or private journeys: savings at your fingertips

Creation of private/pro templates for each driver (modifiable via the mobile application), private/pro individual mileage reports, simulation of actual or flat-rate benefits in kind...

The platform enables you to automate the distinction between business and private mileage. In fine, the calculation of mileage allowances is simplified and benefits in kind are calculated as accurately as possible (actual declaration) in order to reduce social security charges and employer contributions.

Business and private travel application
Reasonable fuel consumption


Reasonable fuel consumption

Because fuel accounts for a significant proportion of your expenses, Optimum Automotive has designed the "Fuel Monitoring" service: a software and hardware solution to monitor fuel consumption and combat theft.

Thanks to detailed reports, reconciliation with fuel invoices imported into the platform and real-time alerts (fuel intake, theft, low levels, etc.), your fuel budget is limited to the needs of your business.

Reasonable fuel consumption


A new source of savings
for vehicle fleets

Claims and damage have a significant impact on total fleet costs at three levels: insurance contracts, maintenance/repair operations and return costs. To keep these costs under control, drivers need to be involved in the process. Thanks to the Optimum Connect mobile application, they can declare a claim instantly (date, time, location, circumstances, photos of damage, etc.), or carry out a regular inventory of their vehicle. Armed with this information, the manager can make the right trade-offs and take the right action at the right time.

fleet management, reporting, alerts and advice center

Reports, alerts and advice center

Automation to guide your action

The Optimum Automotive platform is equipped with a customizable alert center. Customize the alerts you want to receive, and get instant notifications of problems. You can also benefit from fully customizable, automated management reports, sent directly to your inbox at your preferred frequency. Powered by artificial intelligence, this management platform also provides you with real-time optimization advice.

fleet management, reporting, alerts and advice center

Mobile application
Driver / manager

The Optimum Connect mobile app is available on the "Google Play" and "App Store" platforms, offering convenient management of your vehicles wherever you are. Depending on the connected services you subscribe to, you can access all the features of the Optimum Automotive solution directly from your smartphone. What's more, your drivers can also take advantage of the multiple functionalities available according to their profile, such as trip history, eco-driving score, private/professional life management, and much more.

Driver / manager mobile application

Further information

Since 2006, Optimum Corporation has been a recognized expert in optimizing business mobility. We offer a range of complementary services that integrate seamlessly with our fleet management solution.

optimum data mining

The automated advice center based on intelligent data processing

optimum carsharing

The car-sharing and car-pooling solution for pooling vehicles and journeys

optimum mobility

The business expense management solution (expenses, Mobility Credit, Sustainable Mobility Package)