The new challenges facing vehicle fleets
Today, all companies are faced with new challenges. Lower and lower overall vehicle costs and reduce carbon footprint by adopting electric vehicles and improving driving habits.
Responding to these new challenges is no easy matter when you lack the management tools and data essential to decision-making.
Vehicle connectivity (on-board telematics) is a 1er a key issue for fleet managers: access to data!
Let's take a look at these new challenges
#1. Optimizing costs with Big Data

The cost of a vehicle fleet, and more broadly the cost of mobility, often represents the 2nd a major expense item for companies. Over and above the obvious costs (rent, fuel, insurance, etc.), other, more or less hidden, items of expenditure add up to the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) that many companies find hard to estimate.
Optimum's management platform enables you to collect and centralize all vehicle ecosystem data taxes, servicing, maintenance, tires, tolls...
With all costs centralized and summarized in this way, fleet managers can benefit from a clear and concise vision of their business. precise indicators of actual fleet costs.
Best of all, Optimum's management platform includes a reporting center, to track the evolution of valuable indicators and a advice center to guide the fleet manager in his financial choices and optimizations.
Optimum's customers can see that, from the very first month the platform is up and running, and depending on the services activated, an average saving of 125 Euros per month and per vehicle.
#2. Optimizing environmental impact and preparing for the transition to electric vehicles
Another key concern for fleet managers, driven by growing ecological and fiscal pressures, is optimizing their carbon footprint.
WLTP, LOM, ZFE, Bonus/Malus for the environment... new fiscal and environmental constraints and opportunities that vehicle fleets need to comply with right now.
In fact, the automobile is largely responsible for the deterioration of our environment. Optimum Automotive offers valuable tools to help fleet managers meet these new challenges.
First and foremost, the pooling of resources: too many company vehicles remain parked in parking lots where other employees have unmet or poorly met mobility needs. To remedy this situation, Optimum Automotive provides managers with a complete car-sharing/car-pooling solution, enabling them to pool their "automobile resources". Implementing such a solution ultimately reduces the size of the fleet and, by extension, its overall cost and environmental impact.
Driving dynamics : when it comes to environmental impact, the vehicle driver has a role to play. Driving behavior has a direct impact on CO2 emissions, energy consumption and accidents. Optimum Automotive's platform enables activation of the "Driving Analysis" service, which analyzes individual driving behavior in order to identify irresponsible behavior and take the necessary eco-prevention measures (e-learning training, eco-driving courses, etc.).
To go even further in optimizing driving behavior, Optimum Automotive has formed a partnership with Codes Rousseau, giving companies access to the Easy-Coach training program, comprising 7 modules, each with 20 MCQs.

The shift to electric : new component in the environmental optimization of vehicle fleets: fleet electrification. And this change is becoming more pronounced by the day: " 57% of fleet managers say they use at least one alternative technology, compared with 30 % in 2020 and 42 % for Europe as a whole.. They could be 80% to use at least one alternative energy source within 3 years", according to the Arval Mobility Observatory.
Although promising on many levels, fleet electrification is not a matter of chance. Optimum Automotive provides fleet managers with the tools and indicators they need to assess the relevance of migrating to hybrid or all-electric vehicles.
So, yes, these new economic and environmental challenges are necessary. But the changes they entail for vehicle fleets cannot take place without mastering the data flows essential to decision-making.